Hello guys, udah lama kayaknya blog ini ga diupdate. Kali ini kita akan ngebahas konsep ruling baru yang cukup generic, jadi IMO harus dishare. Karena kayaknya post kali ini bakal ribet, makanya langsung to the point aja ya...
Sekarang ada konsep ruling baru yang lagi diterapkan konami (Sampe saat ini baru OCG, belum diterapin di TCG). Konsepnya terkait sama Mandatory Trigger yang aktif di graveyard. Kalo dulu Mandatory Trigger itu anti miss timing (nunggu chain link baru), sekarang bisa aja Mandatory Trigger yang aktif di graveyard itu ga bisa aktif.
Intinya, sekarang Mandatory Trigger yang aktif di graveyard (Dandylion, Sangan, dll) bisa aja ga aktif, kalo sebelum saatnya aktif kartunya dipindah ke Non-Public Knowledge Area (Hand atau Deck).
Gampangnya kayak gini:
1) Mandatory trigger dipenuhin pas jadi cost
2) Pindah lokasi ke Hand / Deck di chain yang sama
3) Btooom! Effect Dandy/Sangan, ga bisa aktif.
Contoh kasusnya :
Gampangnya kayak gini:
1) Mandatory trigger dipenuhin pas jadi cost
2) Pindah lokasi ke Hand / Deck di chain yang sama
3) Btooom! Effect Dandy/Sangan, ga bisa aktif.
Contoh kasusnya :
[CL1] Monster Reincarnation discard Dandylion target Dandylion.
Effect Dandylion ga akan ketrigger walaupun dia sempet nyentuh grave, soalnya sebelum effectnya aktif dia udah dipindah ke hand.
[CL1] Enemy Controller tribute Reborn Tengu
[CL2] Transmigration Prophecy target 2 Reborn Tengu di grave
Effect Reborn Tengu ga bisa aktif, karena dipindah ke deck sebelum effectnya bisa aktif.
Effect Reborn Tengu ga bisa aktif, karena dipindah ke deck sebelum effectnya bisa aktif.
[CL1] Raigeki Break discard Dandylion
[CL2] D.D. Crow target Dandylion
Effect Dandylion bisa aktif, karena dipindahnya ke banish zone (banish zone kan masih masuk public-knowledge-area)
[CL1] Mystic Wok tribute Sangan
[CL2] CoTH target Sangan
Effect Sangan tetap bisa aktif, karena dipindahnya ke field (public-knowledge-area juga)
Di bawah ini ada "Daftar Pustaka" ruling-ruling yang ngebentuk konsep baru ini. Sekian dulu post kali ini dari saya, thanks for reading! :D
If a "Mermail Abyssgunde" that is discarded to the Graveyard as a cost for the effect of "Mermail Abyssturge" is added to the hand by the effect of "Mermail Abyssturge", the effect of "Mermail Abyssgunde" cannot be activated.
Q: If Dandylion is discarded as a cost for Monster Reincarnation, and that Dandylion that was discarded as a cost is selected as the target for Monster Reincarnation, after it's added to the Hand, does the effect of Dandylion activate?
A: In that case, the effect doesn't activate.
A: In that case, the effect doesn't activate.
Q:My opponent tributed my Evilswarm Coppélial affected by his Soul Exchange as a cost for Mystik Wok and he chained The Transmigration Prophecy to Return the Evilswarm Coppélial to the Deck.
Does Evilswarm Coppélial's effect activate?
A:No, the effect doesn't activate.
Does Evilswarm Coppélial's effect activate?
A:No, the effect doesn't activate.